Wednesday 27 March 2013

The Accelerated Reader Program and You

Reading can be one of the most difficult hurdles for a student to tackle, and there are some who never really manage to do it. There are several reasons for this, one of which might be the lack of knowledge on the part of the educator. This is not to say that the educator in question is unfamiliar with the material, but rather the progress that is or is not being made by the student in question. Accelerate Reader can easily put a stop to that and ensure that reading practice is more effective for each student. In addition to that, it will personalize the experience for each and every student. If the modern classroom is to progress, then it will need to acknowledge that all students learn at a different pace even if there is a common pace for all.

The Accelerated Reader program provides four types of skill tests for students which range from reading practice, vocabulary practice, literacy skills, and textbook quizzes. By learning the level at which each student resides, a true love of reading can be developed, and fewer students will need to be left behind.

With the Accelerated Reading course you will receive immediate feedback regarding the status of each student, which means the reading and vocabulary portions. This is extremely helpful in the classroom and will provide your students a chance to succeed.

With the AR finder you will be able to search for book titles based upon the authors, the title of the book, or even topics. If, as an example, you were to search for ‘Encyclopedia Brown’, you would be provided with a list of available books in this series, and upon further investigation you will find the AR number. You have the option to pass the book by or you can simply add it to your AR book bag. This is a very convenient method of searching and will help to provide you, your student, or anyone interested with these books.

If you are not finding what you need, then you can always use the advanced search which will permit you to search by ISBN Number, Interest Level, the quiz level released, and virtually any other relevant parameter you can think of. If you were only looking for books that meet a certain criteria, you can find those that have won awards or even those who have been written by other student. With the AR finder, you are certain to find exactly what you need. As you can see, the AR finder is a valuable and relevant tool when it comes to ensuring you have the right books whether you are a student, teacher, or parent. Reading is extremely important as the world moves toward information technology and steadily away from manual labor. Make sure no one is left behind today!

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